The Malolos Constitution never had its due, no thanks to war and eventual colonization, but does it deserve to be forgotten?

Why parliamentary?
Why should the Philippines shift to a parliamentary form of government? An understanding of the problems of the current system and how a parliamentary system addresses them is key to answering this question.

“Responsible citizenry” and the Bill of Duties
With a perceived apathy regarding rights and responsibilities, perhaps having a “Bill of Duties” in the constitution would help address the matter.

Towards a “relatable” Bill of Rights
The Bill of Rights is an important element of a constitution that many should be able to understand and appreciate, but does our Bill of Rights accomplish that goal?

“Natural-born” discrimination
The present constitution has actually imposed discrimination thanks to an overlooked and implied discrimination against citizens who are not “natural-born”.

Renounce War or Pursue Peace?
Should our constitution say we renounce war or we pursue peace as a policy? We look at the implications each policy would have on our sovereignty.