The Malolos Constitution never had its due, no thanks to war and eventual colonization, but does it deserve to be forgotten?

An explainer on the 2021 constitutional reform efforts
There are moves in both houses of Congress to amend the constitution; we look at what these amendments are about.

Why parliamentary?
Why should the Philippines shift to a parliamentary form of government? An understanding of the problems of the current system and how a parliamentary system addresses them is key to answering this question.

“Responsible citizenry” and the Bill of Duties
With a perceived apathy regarding rights and responsibilities, perhaps having a “Bill of Duties” in the constitution would help address the matter.

Towards a “relatable” Bill of Rights
The Bill of Rights is an important element of a constitution that many should be able to understand and appreciate, but does our Bill of Rights accomplish that goal?

“Natural-born” discrimination
The present constitution has actually imposed discrimination thanks to an overlooked and implied discrimination against citizens who are not “natural-born”.